Denys Chumak
27 Feb 2024
Denys Chumak
Denys, an engineering graduate, aims to revolutionize mental health care through his unique blend of technical skills and empathy.
Denys Chumak is a visionary with a purpose to transform the field of mental health care. He studied engineering at the National Technical University of Ukraine, also known as the "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute." He possesses a unique blend of technical knowledge and empathetic comprehension that he brings to his work.
Throughout his career, Denys has continuously looked for ways to assist people with their mental well-being. From starting DreamApp, a London-based firm that specializes in evidence-based dream interpretation, to organizing workshops and seminars on mental health awareness.
Denys honed his product managerial skills at prestigious firms including RubyLabs, Nimses Inc., and Portmone.com before starting DreamApp. He gained a thorough understanding of data-driven strategies, agile techniques, and user-centric design, which laid the foundation for DreamApp's success.
His Commitment to Mental Health
Denys Chumak believes that our thoughts, bodies, and feelings are all friends, not enemies. With DreamApp and his other projects, Denys works to make a world where people appreciate themselves for who they are, inside and out.
Denys is deeply interested in Cognitive Neuroscience, always eager to learn more about how our brains work. Although he hasn't pursued it as a formal degree, he actively engages with the subject whenever he can. Denys continues to use his holistic strategy at DreamApp by sharing blog posts on mental health and dreams.
About DreamApp
Denys Chumak is the man behind DreamApp. He founded DreamApp in 2020; a platform that uses evidence-based dream interpretation to offer insights into people's needs and mental conditions. DreamApp has over 1.6 million downloads and a 4.6-star rating, making it a ray of hope for people looking for mental health and significant self-discovery.
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Dream App
Free dream interpretations