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Dream Interpretation: Road 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Road? Discover the significance of seeing a Road in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Road appears in your dream ✅

Road symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes choices and direction or path your life is heading on. They suggest that you will soon embark on a journey, whether in your personal life or in your professional, which could denote a new project or new relationship heading your way. Sometimes they even signify your temptations and fears for the journey you are currently taking.

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🧭 Direction


Be mindful of the choices you make in your waking life. All these choices will lead you to a path leading either close to your dream or far away from it. Learn more from your dream; it will help you understand the direction you need to take in your life to reach a positive outcome.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a road can evoke feelings of curiosity, adventure, and uncertainty. It symbolizes the journey of life, presenting opportunities and choices. The emotions associated with this dream may include excitement, as one embarks on a new path, and a sense of wonder as the destination remains unknown. However, there may also be feelings of anxiety or fear, as the road represents the challenges and obstacles that lie ahead. Overall, this dream elicits a mix of emotions, reflecting the complex and unpredictable nature of life's journey.





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27 Aug 2024



I was at a canning food factory cleaning. Doing some water blasting. Theses guys had to remove the green seaweed from the machines. These guys did a bad job so I had to go through and help them remove what they missed. We started and canned all the veggies and loaded the trucks. They took off. And 2 of the trucks lost some of the cans and came off the road. It was all good as they were covered by insurance. I was selling Weed. Had to buy a ounce and drop some 50s off. We were in space in a space ship. These people ran out of gas so I used my ship to push then into earth's atmosphere they landed in the dessert. They were worried about getting attacked by rebels but one of there guys saved them by pulling up when they landed.

27 Aug 2024



Hey DreamApp, it's me again. I'm just really happy that I never gave up on myself. I went swimming today for the 7th time or the 8th time in a row and I've just been doing really well. My dreams have been taking me to different places and familiar places and like it's a story but it's like they keep getting better in each place I go to like for instance the turnabout or the turnaround bout where it's in the city and it's in a familiar place it's very happy and exciting just like on the freeways and the roads and going through different cities and stuff inside places I know and just different stuff like that so I'm really happy about that and so very happy for that. Anyway, so very happy and I've been having dreams about just helping people and helping them and you know also my ancestors telling me how happy they are and also a friend of mine Raffi, I don't know if I mentioned this but Raffi Mowin he was a dream expert and I saw him in my dream as if it was a Batman scene of the movie Batman where he sees Rajal Ghul and he says all your knowledge, all your resources and then he just absolutely is able to just get back on track and you know save the city of Gotham. I'm saving myself by doing the swimming and Raffi says you're on the right track in the dream and it seemed like I was Batman and he was Rajal Ghul and he was saying very good job keep going don't stop amen.

14 Aug 2024



Had a dream I was headed to work. I was driving a route that was unfamiliar. It was a straight shot. I stopped on the same road at a store. After work, I was walking to my car on the same road. However I couldn’t find it. The road began to be unfamiliar. I kept looking at the street signs but the names were different. I did stop to ask someone. They told me I was close by but still couldn’t find it. As i continued to walk, I saw individuals in the next block walking in my direction. One was a young kid. He had a gun. I heard the gun click. I started to look for cover. There were gunshots. Next, there were sirens and President Obama was giving a press statement. After watching, I began to walk to find my car again. Obama was walking behind me to get back to the White House. I could hear him talk with his team about how senseless the murder was

9 Aug 2024



I was in my bed,but it was moving like a car down this road and I was looking at the shops passing by,and then i started thinking about this spree killer I read about before falling asleep and entering this dream,his name is Wade Wilson,he’s known as the Deadpool killer,I was thinking about how I felt about all these girls going crazy about him not caring that he’s raped his exs and his girlfriends,how he beats women and killed two women. Just then my mom and dad tell me to stop the car but it was my bed so I pulled an imaginary clutch and it stopped. We went in this cafe and sat down,I was confused as there was no physical food but we were eating then it got me thinking about how my church always talked about how Important fruits of the spirits are. So I realized perhaps god was giving me a literal example. There were some who weren’t eating and some who were. These two guys around my age didn’t have a table so I gave them one and my mom says they can get their own and yells my name and calls me a slew of vulgar names,my dad joining in and when she reached down to get her food it was gone and my dad tried to but his was gone and the owner kicked them out but told me I could stay. I watched my parents leave and just continued eating. Then left the cafe , and noticed my bed was gone,and started walking home,my parents randomly started walking with me saying they couldn’t find the car that was actually my bed. We kept walking then up to a gas station then past the gas station up a hill. My mom struggled to climb the chain link fence so I helped her but when I did I heard my flesh. Sizzle like my flesh got burnt the sound filling my ears. Then one of the guys from earlier pulls me away and says those aren’t your parents. My parents faces shift into grotesque evil faces and I cling to the guy in fear.

6 Aug 2024



In my dream I dreamt that me and my husband went away on holiday, but when we arrived we where sharing a room/apartment with 3 other women - his ex wife (who in our waking life is very difficult to get along with, they have a child together but very different styles of parenting) a woman I know who used to do my physio and another woman who I can’t remember. They are all very flirty with my husband and he was the same towards them. In the dream I’m asking my husband to look at booking another hotel, but he doesn’t want too, he says there’s point and he seems happy to socialize with them too - laughing joking etc which is making me feel very uncomfortable…. I then say to him that I’m not doing this and want to go home. In the dream all the women are saying to each other that I’m jealous and don’t trust my husband, they are not saying it directly to me. But they are right, I don’t trust him! - I am saying to my husband in the dream that they are all very unattractive and look trashy. In my waking life, that’s the opinion we have of both of the women known to me in the in the dream…. I then find myself walking along a road that’s close to my mums house, I’ve walked through the town centre close to my mums house too and there’s new houses being built, it’s Christmas time. As I’m crossing over this road, a petrol lorry is losing control, swerving all over the road, I think I’m with my son, but I don’t remember seeing him, I just felt like he was with me. As I’m watching the lorry cash into a roundabout, I run across the road towards my mums house, then I see fire, like someone has been set alight and know there might be an explosion, so need to get away, but no one is running. In my waking life, my mum is not talking to me, but I’m not 100% sure to why? It’s been a week since we last spoke?…..

4 Aug 2024



In My dream I saw me and a my pastors wife who a friend as well were at my place. We just came back after dropping of a family at the boat port to be smuggled to Germany by passing the sea, the sea was not very calm by that time, while we were at my place and were talking together, suddenly she received a message from that family that they are coming back to Norway because Germany has deport them , it was weird for me to hear that they come back with the same boat from Germany and the same way that they have been smuggle into Germany. I assume if they deported they most be sent back by the legal way like a plane or other transport ways, not the legal, I didn’t feel this is right but told my self to wait to get there and hear the story, in my heart I didn’t like this family and had feelings that they are not trustworthy they and just made up this story but I should get back to see the fact even though I feel suspicious and my goats said there’s something not right. We got to our own cars but her car was much better and faster she drives off very quickly, while I was about to get in my car sitting, she was driving faster than me I was after her but in the road, it was some structure and I was behind that road structure she was gone but I had to slow down and be careful. until I pass that area I drive to port by the sea to pick them up. I talk while I was driving that I could’ve sitting in her car, but then I thought it’s better probably because if we want to bring them back home, we need more seats in the car so I had to drive with my car.

3 Aug 2024



The Grocery Alleyway Me, my grandpa, my mother, my brother Ikmal, my friend Iffa, my uncle uncu, and my sister Fatima are going to the grocery store at my grandpa's hometown, the building and the roads are made out of mud bricks, muddy and dimly lit. At the grocery store, my family (My grandpa, my mother, Ikmal, Iffa, Fatima, Uncle Uncu), are buying some supplements, drinks, and food. Ikmal is creating his very own snack at the grocery called "Chocolate Pizza with a hole in the center" Or a large flat donut, he showed it joyfully to me. While others are buying foods, I am just taking onigiri and risoles, my mother is angry at me for only taking 2 small snacks, but I angrily said to her that "I am craving for friend salty umami snacks!", So then we paid our grocery and get going. I finished eating the food and sneaks quickly to a narrow Alleyway to wash my hands in the sink, after that I search for my family who have went further. Then I finally found My grandpa Saleh, Saleh is struggling to lift up some cloth because of his back pain, so I helped Saleh lift his clothes to the Jeep's trunk, The clothes were from my grandpa's childhood city padang. I went inside the Jeep, but then saw some ladies not wearing tops in full nudity, I was captivated. I then drop off somewhere far and said goodbye to my family, my family goes without me, Then I went for a stroll on the road, In the road I saw my female bestfriend Nadine the Taekwondo fighter doing a street fight, I watched Nadine fight.

31 Jul 2024

My crush


Bus trip with all the girls from my 6th and 7th grade One of which I had a queer crush on(Fumié) Me with the web-slinging ability again(Spider-man stuff) Departing from some kind of a foresty, yet urban place in Tokyo(Tama region or adjacent; looks a bit like Tachikawa/Kunitachi, where my grandparents and other relatives on my mother’s side of the family lives, combined and fused with Futago-Tamagawa’s vibe) From a station, very much within the 23 districts of Tokyo vibes(Probably like Kokubunji or something; suburban, almost urban) We depart after I get with a trades company that deals with Turkey, Italy and other Mediterranean countries(Turkey, Cypress, Italy, Spain, Greece, Albania, Egypt, Morocco, Libya, Morocco, Persia(Iran, but was referred to in this dream as Persia)) that sells their food and crafts like embroidered carpets, glass crafts(perfume bottles, jewelries, accessories and lamps) and such It’s raining, I’m floating around in the station mall(glass-roofed apses-like structure, trying on clothes from different shops around the shops and stalls in platform floor I mainly put on street fashion wears(something I usually don’t wear) trying to combine them with different sorts of necklaces One looks luxurious and a bit more feminine: thick, layered, braided(herringbone) chain with woven in triangular charms made of raw, purple and pink gems(amethyst and rose quartz likely) or seashells Another looks more street-ish but is still kinda bougie: pearl choker necklace with a sleek lock charm in the center I first try them stacked, then let go of the herringbone gold necklace and return it to the store I find a more grungy, 80’s outfit and I pair them with the other necklace, still finding it mismatched I find another gold necklace with simpler design But once a couple friends(Sara, Maka, Fumié, Mariko) from the friend group(Sara, Maka, Mayuka, Fumié, Mariko) calls out to me to come and leave for the bus I stop and tell them I’ll catch up Seems that Fumié left on a bus alone(or with a couple friends) while others got on another bus together I websling my way through the raining parking across street lined with concrete and glass-walled buildings and get on top of Fumié’s bus, getting in at the next stop and sitting next to or in front of her seat My other friends are looking impressed by my skills, but I can’t help but feel like I’ve sold them out for the favorable view on myself from Fumié(the one I had a crush on) The buses travels down the road of what looks like the mix of Tokyo-Kanagawa road route and one of the most commonly used routes by students to go to school back in Hakone(aside from the Hakone Tozan Railway) On the bus I observe my other friends merrily interact while having scarce but kinda meaningful(to me) conversations with Fumié myself, mostly about human behaviors and the observations we have made on our other classmates and friends(Fumié and I were two of the three more ‘mature’ ones in the friend group; these were things we discussed often) Once the bus gets to Odawara many among my friend group on the other bus suggests that we go straight to the coasts of shōnan(Fumié and a few others of the group live around Hiratsuka and Hadano and such so the coast of shōnan is just a nice close place to hang around in general) After some moments of discussion(Fumié seemed interested and detached at the same time; she didn’t care, some others were more enthusiastic, some others hesitant, worried about curfews and such because we were still technically 6th graders) I was welcoming the idea, going with the flow(Fumié commented on that, making observations) So the buses departs from this plain with scarce grasses and a hill over yonder while some of them wait at the bus stop to get on the ones that lead back home, some to get to Shōnan, while others remain on board Me and Fumié’s bus fuse with the bus that comes to take us to the foasts(likely to Hiratsuka, Kamakura or Enoshima) as it starts driving

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