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Dream Interpretation: Kitchen 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Kitchen? Discover the significance of seeing a Kitchen in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Kitchen appears in your dream ✅

Kitchen symbol
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💡Possible meaning

A kitchen in a dream represents nourishment, family, and togetherness. It can also symbolize creativity, transformation, and new beginnings. The state of the kitchen, whether it is clean or dirty, can reflect your emotional state.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the state of the kitchen in your dream. Is it clean and organized or messy and chaotic? This can reflect your emotional state and the state of your relationships. If the kitchen is dirty, it may be time to clean up any emotional baggage or conflicts in your relationships. If the kitchen is clean and organized, it may be a sign of positive changes and new beginnings in your life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in a kitchen evokes feelings of comfort, nourishment, and familiarity. It symbolizes the need for sustenance, both physically and emotionally. It may also represent a desire for warmth and nurturing, as well as a sense of creativity and productivity. The kitchen is often associated with family and home, suggesting a longing for connection and a need to feel grounded. Overall, this dream elicits a sense of contentment and fulfillment.





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28 Aug 2024

Boyfriend Cheating


My ex who I am still friends with to this day is now married and still living in Toronto whilst I resided Winnipeg. Him and his wife and I remain in contact as he is one of my best friends. She is a lovely woman but I have never met her in person. We only talk over Facebook. I have another ex the last person I dated a few years ago who is excessively nightmarishly violent. I am in no way in contact with him nor do I want to be. He terrifies me. Now with that context I will say that in my dream I was apparently still with my violent ex and we were visiting my ex and his wife at their condo in Toronto. For some reason I was only wearing a blanket for clothing and my violent ex sat at the dining table. Well me and my ex and his wife caught up in the kitchen. My nice! X and I went up to the rooftop where they apparently had a smoker and we were smoking meat and laughing and talking about old times and just catching up in general. I could taste the meat though like I can still remember what it tastes like from the dream. We came back down to the dining area and we're about to eat dinner and then I woke up.

18 Aug 2024



I was working with Sam & Dean Winchester. We were investigating a handful of deaths surrounding an alleyway. Instead of it being a ghost, we followed leads to a psychic man who was already locked away. He was killing people and seeing them die from his locked up asylum room. We took him to another place that was haunted by a ghost that butchered anyone who walked inside. We had the psychic man strapped to a gurney and rolled him inside, slamming the giant iron doors behind him. We knew that he wouldn’t last long in that room, and that his powers wouldn’t be able to escape that room since it was lined with 12 inches of iron outside and buried far underground. Then, I was in a kitchen. I was cleaning it and planning on renovating it. I remember falling down a platform in the kitchen that was part of the floor. After I got up, I was talking to someone about my renovation plans for it. I was thinking of fixing the flooring, adding a rail to the platform that I fell from, and putting in some window walls with patio style sliding doors. It was the first time I’ve felt physically happy outside of my dreams.

16 Aug 2024



I had a dream I was cleaning. I was in my room getting into the nooks and crannies and it was a little gross. There was one corner above the side of the bed that I sleep on that had a bunch of spider webs. So as I’m spraying the water hose on a shower spray it’s not falling apart which is weird because all the rest fell apart. So I’m investigating closer while spraying the water hose with a little higher pressure and I realize there’s a spider egg. I freak out for a second because the spray damaged the egg and now the spiders are slowly coming out. The freak out was pretty quick because I quickly determined I have to do something about it RIGHT NOW or my house will be overrun with spiders. I also remembered something my husband had told me. If you see a bug in the house you have to get rid of it immediately because if you don’t it’s their house now because they will over run. It’s us or the bugs. So I run to the kitchen to get the bleach cleaner spray and when I get back the egg is empty and there are no spiders around it. At this point I wonder if there was something about the spider web that interacted with the water that caused to foam up or something. Trying to rationalize. As I look around I see a small brownish black diaphanous blob leaving through a crack in the ceiling. I had no idea what it was so I assumed it was the spiders. I look back to the corner and start spraying anyway. But I wondered if the spiders were truly gone or if they just are in The walls now. But chose to believe they are gone gone. The dream switched then to a dream similar to one I’ve had before. A group of us were getting ready to go somewhere. The house was one I’ve dreamt of before a long time ago. In that dream the house felt scarier a bit more menacing and like I was trapped. I’d felt sluggish and spent most of the time in the same room because it felt the safest. It was a family room with a really long couch that stretched the space of the room from wall to wall and the floor to ceiling windows to the left and behind the couch. The windows behind the couch lead to an enclose patio and the windows on The side lead to a portion of the backyard. In this dream though it didn’t feel as unwelcoming. It didn’t feel like the space itself didn’t want me there. In this dream I wouldn’t say it was fully welcoming but there was an acceptance and understanding. So we eventually leave the house not much happening inside and we go to get some food. When we get to the food court area I see my dad my uncle and their cousin waiting in line dressed like a picture I’d seen of them at the family reunion a few days ago. I break off from my group and quickly head over with a huge smile. That’s when i realize how I look. My hair is straight and shoulder length and I’m wearing a black dress that has blue almost cloudy undertones that move with me as I move in the dress and I have on black flip flops. Everything about how I look indicates a much younger version of myself somewhere between 16-19. But in the dream I still felt a litlle older. Not quite my current ago of 28 but not quite as young as the scene may indicate. Excited to see them, I am quite animated with my greetings hugging everyone in turn and asking questions like how they have been starting with my dad. At this point I realize I can FEEL the hug. I can feel my arms wrapped around them and how they have changed in size or height or shape. I hug my uncle noticing he’s gotten much slimmer. And then I hug the cousin, Sean, and realize he’s a bit fuller around the middle. For a split second I wonder why Sean is here. I haven’t seen him since my wedding and before that it had easily been 15 years since I had seen him last. I wondered why he was in my dream. And then I realized I was dreaming and woke up.

13 Aug 2024



My parents went on holiday and ordered a load of wine, beer and spirits to be sent home and they delivered it to a customers house. When I got there I looked to see it all had arrived and realised someone had stolen everything and left only the boxes behind, but I was too scared to tell my parents it had happened. Later when they came home I was trying some different alcohols in my parents kitchen and I asked my little sister to put the bottles away upstairs. When I heard her go up I heard my mum speaking sternly to her so I crept up to listen. My mum said to my younger sister: "you need to be the mum of the house now and tidy and clean the whole house because it's a mess" My sister started crying so I ran upstairs and said: "leave her alone! She's just a kid! You're the mum and you need to act like it and tidy and clean the house!" I told my sister to get in my car and I would take her to my house and my mum laughed at me menacingly and said "you have no idea what you've done. Your dad says that if the house isn't clean before he gets home then he'll divorce me, so now you're causing dad to leave me" It's weird because my parents are still married in real life

13 Aug 2024



This was a mashup of quite a few dreams with a nightmare. In the nightmare, is that I was in a homeless shelter setting, similar to my current situation in Derwood. There was…fire and shadows lurking in every corner. But I was facing them fine, I just needed to lie down to put my bags down…there was a kitchen and a bathroom rendered similarly to the ones in the childhood tv show, Courage the Cowardly Dog. The wallpaper was falling at the seams, and it seemed that there were sexual predators in many corners. I was burned into unconsciousness, and found myself with no face…a faceless figure was taunting and playing with me, like I was his food. He seemed no more than a child without supervision and too much internet. I ran and navigated so many times to no avail. He sent me into several different places with telekinetic almost superhuman strength. I was sent into the kitchen stove and cabinet with fish falling out….i landed with considerable impact, but was unharmed mostly. It did hurt, and the boy had remorse for a moment before I fell forward into a set of wooden cabinets. Then I was awake and on a trailer, looking out at the horizon…still at the shelter again. There was a symbol that recognized I was from independence now. One of their clients. They were buying me things and seemingly working with me until things turned south. The child from before ran up to me, grabbed me by the arm, using a lighter lit my entire head on fire. I screamed before I physically felt my neck break in dream and I awoke with my head in the same position. Unbroken. Shaken up, understandably, I rolled over to avoid sleeping on my back. Therefore was hit with another dream. This time of magical and metaphysical proportions. I was in a shopping mall…one of the big stores in the mall, with towering walls, merchandise, and many cataloguing or window shopping. I was exploring myself when I burst into casual song…a song I knew fluently…Havana? But when I started singing it, eyes were turned towards me by my beautiful song. I can’t recall why…but I was sliding around and dancing through isles like a musical. Eventually stumbling upon a child, and with a flick of my wrist, I transformed her into her fairy self, she was overjoyed and ran to get her mother. Her mother then came to request my prettiest sunrise, and I waved my hand across the sky and reflected a pink sky with a waking sun. She gasped at its beauty before I waved and a purple glittering veil appeared on her face, accompanied by silver steel armor. She felt empowered and emboldened. She sought her daughter and I gave her a signal to shoot if she needed anything. This would soon go haywire though as I heard screams in the distance, running toward them, I saw the physical embodiment of our entire solar system rotating around the sun in the sky, moving on its own like a shooting star. Seemingly to target me, the roof was ripped off and I started sprinting despite my health and limits. I found myself on the balcony first, reuniting the mother and daughter, then hopping down the layers of the building into a bedroom. Found my toxic sister but didn’t pay her any mind. I kept running out to the second balcony and down the stairs to a courtyard of children. But they weren’t there…to which I realized they were all ghostly children playing around in the green grass to revitalize themselves. Which I smiled and went into the building to find a surprise and… I don’t think I could ever see what it was…I woke up….and fell asleep to find myself running….only to awake again and find myself talking to my mother in my sleep…and heard my Case Worker talking to someone next to me upon waking. To which I bade her, “Hi.”

13 Aug 2024



I had a dream that I was in a house, and I think it was a flat that I'd lived in before, and somehow the situation arose that there were a load of cats in the front room, and they had to be kept in the front room, so the door was shut, the windows were shut, and in the bedroom there were cats under the bed, and one of them was pregnant, and there was a lady I used to work with who'd left recently in there, and I was trying to ask her about the pregnant cat under the bed and say it needs to come out, and she was trying to arrange all of her documents, and I said, lady, you need a Google Drive, and I was trying to show her how to use Google Drive, and I was like, but you really need to get this cat out, and she was like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, so anyway, I managed to coax this cat out under the bed, and I said it needs to be in the room with the other cats, and she was like, oh, but it's going to have a baby, and I was like, yeah, exactly, but it needs to be with the other cats, so we got this cat out, and it was massive, and I carried it into the front room, and all the windows were open, and I was like, well, this is ridiculous, there need to be shacks with cats, so we shut the windows, put the cat on the floor, and the cat then had three babies, and the cat was going mad, meowing, and I said, right, we need to get the cat some food, the cat's going to be starving now, and they were like, oh, I don't know if we've got any food, and I was like, can you just look in the kitchen, and they were looking, and there was literally like nothing that a cat could eat, and I was like, right, I'm going to have to go out, just across the road, there's a shop, I'll just nip across the road, and I will get some food, and it was about quarter to midnight, and I was thinking, oh, I'm going to have such a late night. I also needed to put some clothes on because I only had a t-shirt and shorts on and I was trying to find some clothes and I was just rummaging through these clothes and I found this pair of jogging bottoms and I thought, they'll do. And I then thought, I don't actually think i've got any money, but I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out a whole wadge of notes. I had loads and loads of money and I thought, okay, that will do, that will get me some cat food. so I left the house, went to go across the road, but the shop was shut, I was like, for God's sake, I thought I'd have to go out, so I get on, in my car, which I think's my car, but it's actually a bike, and I'm going down the road, and there's, there's no traffic, but there's people out with kids, and I was going along the road, and I was trying to cycle, but I was really struggling, and I realised I didn't have any lights on, so I put the lights on, and I was going past these places, and they were tattoo parlours, and there was like adults and kids in there, and then I went past another shop that I thought was a tattoo parlour, but it was a t-shirt printing shop, but that was open, and I was thinking it was weird they were open about midnight, and I realised I was about to run out of petrol, and I was like, God, I need to get some petrol, so I drove down, pulled into this garage, and loads of people were there filling up their bikes, and I had to wait, and I was like, I don't even know if I'm going to go to the shop, and it's going to be open, and I'm going to be really, really late for work, and then I woke up before I got to the shop.

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