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Dream Interpretation: Hug šŸ˜“ - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Hug? Discover the significance of seeing a Hug in your dream šŸ’¤ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Hug appears in your dream āœ…

Hug symbol
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šŸ’”Possible meaning

A hug in a dream symbolizes comfort, love, and affection. It represents a need for emotional support and connection. It can also indicate a desire for physical touch and intimacy.

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šŸ§­ Direction


Are you feeling lonely or disconnected from others in your waking life? This dream may be a reminder to reach out to loved ones and seek comfort and support. It can also be a sign that you need to work on building stronger relationships and connections with those around you. Don't be afraid to ask for a hug or offer one to someone who may need it.

ā¤ļø Feelings

The dream of a hug evokes feelings of warmth, comfort, and affection. It signifies a deep emotional connection with someone or a desire for intimacy and support. This dream may also represent a need for reassurance or a longing for physical touch. Overall, the dream of a hug brings about positive emotions and a sense of security.





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Dreams of users containing the word Hug

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30 Aug 2024



I dreamt my mother's ex partner met us all with his new partner who I really liked, but my mother was really jealous of her and didn't like her at all. We went to a lovely handmade arts& jewellery store, he bought me a really pretty necklace, a carved wooden animal for my son and a gift for his new partner. My mother was jealous he didn't buy her anything. We went to eat burger and fries, then went bowling and for a walk. I hugged my mother's ex partner for the first and only time in this dream. When we drive home, my mother drove off angrily saying she was better off single and said every woman is better off single! I sighed when she said this. I woke up soon after this part of the dream.

29 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


Everything around me was a blank white canvas. Like a never ending white open room and space. Suddenly some mail appears and some of the mail is for my dad, and some of the mail if for Tyreq. I think to myself, ā€œwhy is Tyreq sending his mail to my home?ā€ So of course I open up the mail out of curiosity, and they seemed very important although I couldnā€™t remember exactly what his mail stated. Then suddenly, the white blank surroundings around me turn into North Carolina and Iā€™m taken to outside of Tyreqs apartment and I see him, and his brother Tyshawn, and Tyshawnā€™s girlfriend Rhi. Rhi waves hello to me even though this is surprising since she doesnā€™t really ever remember me too clearly (I think because Tyreq has a lot of women around) and she says to me ā€œwow! You really do have a nice glow and aura to you since youā€™ve movedā€ Tyshawn just stays in the passenger side of the car and doesnā€™t say much. I turn to my left and I see a fridge next to the side walk with a price tag on it. I give Tyreq a hug but he looks different. He also goes by James, but since Iā€™ve known him for so long I usually just call him Tyreq but for some reason he seemed more of a James this time around - someone different then Iā€™m used to seeing. I follow him up the stairs, and my bag is left at the side walk. We start talking and catching up as usualā€¦ but again somethingā€™s offā€¦ someone has also been staying on his couch, heā€™s in a new place, and I thought to myself ā€œit doesnā€™t really smell bad in here like people it doesā€ it was just the usual clutter. We go into his bedroom and I ask if i can take a shower before we relax together. He says sure, and when Iā€™m in the shower the steam gets so overwhelming that I have an asthma attack and I can barely see in the bathroom. I leave the bathroom to get my inhaler from my bag outside and I realize I look a little crazy with nothing but a towel going outside but I needed my inhaler so oh well. I bump into Tyreq and he seems confused. He says ā€œwhy are you outside in your towel?ā€ ā€œI needed my inhalerā€ I say back to himā€¦ then he says ā€œwell you shouldā€™ve told me to get it for you you should be more mean and aggressive to me, shit even gaslight me if you need to to get what you needā€ Iā€™m a little too stunned to speak. Then all the sudden, Michael Starks (someone really donā€™t likeā€ looks over the balcony and says something to Tyreq. I immediately feel the anxiety setting in. I never wouldā€™ve came over had I know Michael would be there. All the sudden I randomly see my friend Lexi driving past in her car and I almost wanted to flag her down and just get in the car with her but she passed me. However, she loops around multiple times but I never get into the car. We all go back upstairs and suddenly Tyreqs mood switches up and changes to being aggressive towards a womanly figure and keeps saying a lot of things about this womanā€¦ I look to the living room to see Tyshawn, Rhi, and someone else drawing on a white board and writing things down. As I step closer I start drawing a circle. Then I wake up

26 Aug 2024

Abandoned home
Angry at Dad


I was in my room reading my new book about Buddhism, and I had a good chunk of the book read through, and I got to a part that said ā€œyou can forgive to let go/move onā€. So I had a house party and not even 5 minutes later mawmaw was sitting on the bed with me while I had the book in my hands, and we had a conversation about my dad and how hurt I was by him. I was explaining how I think Iā€™m ready to let go and forgive for what he did, but it still hurts. But I know I need to forgive him to move on. A few seconds later my dad appears at my doorway, and heā€™s trying so hard to forgive himself. I said ā€œlook, look at me. I forgive yo-ā€œ he cuts me off and starts saying stuff like heā€™s so sorry, heā€™ll do better, thank you for forgiving me, letā€™s hang out, etc etc. i said ā€œno.. let me finish. I forgive you BUT I cant see you anymore. I forgive you so that we can both move on from what happened, but I will never forget what youā€™ve done to me, to us.ā€. He starts sobbing and bending over holding his head, going into one of his little ā€œoh shit no one believes my storyā€ panic modes, and I just walk away from the both of them. I go to my computer to do some sort of schoolwork, and there was a real colored river in the animated picture of a national park. I remember going to work and looking at the schedule, and my schedule was completely crossed out so I can smoothly transition into my new job irl. I hugged my boss and said thank you so much.

25 Aug 2024



I was sitting in a mall in my mom's lap on the bench outside a cafe. All of the stray kids were working in the cafe. I know stray kids as they are my cousin's brothers. I was sitting on my mom's lap and using my phone when I saw Hyunjin sitting down. He was waiting to welcome customers to come into the shop. I looked at him but got embarrassed that I was sitting on my mom's Lap so I got off and sat on my chair. Then me and my mom ordered something from the cafe. My mom got tea and I got a croissant. It looked like a very cool mint cafe. The croissant was glazed with A turquoise mint colour. It was rolled up. I was about to eat it when I accidentally dropped it and it rolled on the floor. Hyunjin and Felix saw and I felt guilty. Hyunjin told me its ok and he and Lee Know went to clean it. Felix noticed how sad I was and came up to me and brought me to a corner of the cafe. He told me it was okay that I dropped it and made me another one to eat. After eating me and my mom were got ready to leave. I thanked all the members, especially Danceracha. The others left to attend to the other customers. I held Felix by the wrist. I asked him ā€œCan you give me a hugā€. He also needed to go attend to The customers but still. Looked me in the eyes, said ā€œģ‚¬ėž‘ķ•“ā€, gave me a fast hug patted my back, and left. Me and my mom also left.

16 Aug 2024



I had a dream I was cleaning. I was in my room getting into the nooks and crannies and it was a little gross. There was one corner above the side of the bed that I sleep on that had a bunch of spider webs. So as Iā€™m spraying the water hose on a shower spray itā€™s not falling apart which is weird because all the rest fell apart. So Iā€™m investigating closer while spraying the water hose with a little higher pressure and I realize thereā€™s a spider egg. I freak out for a second because the spray damaged the egg and now the spiders are slowly coming out. The freak out was pretty quick because I quickly determined I have to do something about it RIGHT NOW or my house will be overrun with spiders. I also remembered something my husband had told me. If you see a bug in the house you have to get rid of it immediately because if you donā€™t itā€™s their house now because they will over run. Itā€™s us or the bugs. So I run to the kitchen to get the bleach cleaner spray and when I get back the egg is empty and there are no spiders around it. At this point I wonder if there was something about the spider web that interacted with the water that caused to foam up or something. Trying to rationalize. As I look around I see a small brownish black diaphanous blob leaving through a crack in the ceiling. I had no idea what it was so I assumed it was the spiders. I look back to the corner and start spraying anyway. But I wondered if the spiders were truly gone or if they just are in The walls now. But chose to believe they are gone gone. The dream switched then to a dream similar to one Iā€™ve had before. A group of us were getting ready to go somewhere. The house was one Iā€™ve dreamt of before a long time ago. In that dream the house felt scarier a bit more menacing and like I was trapped. Iā€™d felt sluggish and spent most of the time in the same room because it felt the safest. It was a family room with a really long couch that stretched the space of the room from wall to wall and the floor to ceiling windows to the left and behind the couch. The windows behind the couch lead to an enclose patio and the windows on The side lead to a portion of the backyard. In this dream though it didnā€™t feel as unwelcoming. It didnā€™t feel like the space itself didnā€™t want me there. In this dream I wouldnā€™t say it was fully welcoming but there was an acceptance and understanding. So we eventually leave the house not much happening inside and we go to get some food. When we get to the food court area I see my dad my uncle and their cousin waiting in line dressed like a picture Iā€™d seen of them at the family reunion a few days ago. I break off from my group and quickly head over with a huge smile. Thatā€™s when i realize how I look. My hair is straight and shoulder length and Iā€™m wearing a black dress that has blue almost cloudy undertones that move with me as I move in the dress and I have on black flip flops. Everything about how I look indicates a much younger version of myself somewhere between 16-19. But in the dream I still felt a litlle older. Not quite my current ago of 28 but not quite as young as the scene may indicate. Excited to see them, I am quite animated with my greetings hugging everyone in turn and asking questions like how they have been starting with my dad. At this point I realize I can FEEL the hug. I can feel my arms wrapped around them and how they have changed in size or height or shape. I hug my uncle noticing heā€™s gotten much slimmer. And then I hug the cousin, Sean, and realize heā€™s a bit fuller around the middle. For a split second I wonder why Sean is here. I havenā€™t seen him since my wedding and before that it had easily been 15 years since I had seen him last. I wondered why he was in my dream. And then I realized I was dreaming and woke up.

12 Aug 2024



Dream 8/12 My brother was really young, almost a baby again and I was in charge of him. Something was happening- we were trapped in a school maybe? I donā€™t remember the setting but I had to fix something, I donā€™t remember what. There was a girl there and I couldnā€™t help her. I didnā€™t know her. She needed me but for some reason I couldnā€™t go in her room. I could see a projector on behind her but I donā€™t remember what it had on it. She looked scared. Then i picked up my brother and had to take him to his mom. She was happy he was safe then told me i had to leave. I didnā€™t argue with her. When I left I was in a different place. I was running from something on the city rooftops. At first I was with someone, I donā€™t remember who it was. I knew her in the dream, we were close, but I donā€™t know her in my waking life. It kept raining, until the sky darkened a lot. The tornadoes started. I pushed her into a building to keep her safe and then I outran the tornado. I ran into my family, my mom and my dad? And a different brother. I was trying to explain to them that it was dangerous and there were tornadoes coming out- there were 3 of them. But they werenā€™t listening to me until the tornado got closer. They got in the car and left. I hid in a building and watched the tornado pull tiles off a building and they made loud noise when they came off. Then the tornado disappeared. I came outside and the girl fr before was back. I hugged her. There was thunder and when we looked up the sky was opening up and another tornado was coming down. But it wasnā€™t the way a tornado is really, there was no spinning clouds or anything. It was like a hole opened up in the sky and a long tube of spinning wind came out of it. We hid in a destroyed bedroom and the dream ended.

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