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Dream Interpretation: Holiday 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Holiday? Discover the significance of seeing a Holiday in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Holiday appears in your dream ✅

Holiday symbol
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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of a holiday symbolizes a need for relaxation and escape from daily routine. It may also represent a desire for adventure and exploration. This dream may indicate a need to take a break from work or responsibilities and enjoy some leisure time.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time off to relax and recharge. Plan a vacation or a weekend getaway to a place you have always wanted to visit. This dream may also suggest that you need to take a break from your daily routine and try something new. Explore new hobbies or activities that interest you.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a holiday evokes feelings of joy, relaxation, and anticipation. It symbolizes a break from routine, a time to unwind and recharge. It brings a sense of freedom and adventure, allowing one to escape the stresses of everyday life. The dream may also elicit feelings of nostalgia, as it represents cherished memories and special moments. Overall, the holiday dream brings a sense of happiness and contentment, offering a glimpse into a world of leisure and enjoyment.





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29 Aug 2024

Broken Leg


So I had a dream that I owned a Foal that I kept in my garden. Me and my partner went on holiday and came back to find out it was poorly and had broke its leg. I got my vet out to put the little pony to sleep. I got my mums partner to take the kids to the park out the way while the vet did what he needed to. I woke up grumbling to myself that my garden isn't right place to bury a Foal and that I don't have funds for another horse so why was I dreaming of another. Feeling confused.

14 Aug 2024



I had multiple dreams this night. First one: I am an ASL Interpreter and was working this job with another interpreter who was my friend Kaleb. This was interesting because he is not a professional interpreter, however he does know sign language. Anyway, he was working while I was on my phone taking a break. I tried to find where he was at but it took me a while. I finally found him and he was complaining that he had been working a long time by himself and needed to be switched out, but at the same time he didn’t want me to switch him out. I looked down and saw why. I was wearing shorts and this was not professional and at the level for a talk show, so u went to go try and find some pants to change into. He was interpreting for a talk show and was in front of a camera but there was no live audience. It was kind of confusing. The other part to my dream was that I was driving past houses when I came upon my own apartment complex but it looked different in this dream. There was some kind of holiday happening and my building was throwing a HUGE party. I’m talking people outside, in the pool, inside every room. Standing room only. Luckily, no one could access my room. Just to make sure that was the case I weaved through the crowd of drunks, finally got to my room, unlocked it, and once inside it was silent; a reprieve from the chaos outside. This room was in the basement which is weird since my actual apartment is on the 6th floor but it was nice to be quiet nonetheless. The third dream, I was with a group of friends I’ve never seen before and we were trying to sling shot each other onto this tower, with stairs leading up beyond the clouds. Someone impulsively jumped onto the slingshot that kind of just looked like a large bra. We pulled them back and away they went. I was waiting back at the slingshot but my view became first person of the one who was flung into the air. It was like I became them for a few seconds. When they landed, they were scarred of how high up they were and decided to pull out mini M&Ms to help calm them. But really this made it worse because the candy was in a plastic bag. They had to balance on the stairs while trying to open the bag to poor into the plastic tube they normally come in. It was windy and this made it more sketchy. Once they filled the tube and ate some, away they went up the stairs out of sight. Then I woke up.

13 Aug 2024



My parents went on holiday and ordered a load of wine, beer and spirits to be sent home and they delivered it to a customers house. When I got there I looked to see it all had arrived and realised someone had stolen everything and left only the boxes behind, but I was too scared to tell my parents it had happened. Later when they came home I was trying some different alcohols in my parents kitchen and I asked my little sister to put the bottles away upstairs. When I heard her go up I heard my mum speaking sternly to her so I crept up to listen. My mum said to my younger sister: "you need to be the mum of the house now and tidy and clean the whole house because it's a mess" My sister started crying so I ran upstairs and said: "leave her alone! She's just a kid! You're the mum and you need to act like it and tidy and clean the house!" I told my sister to get in my car and I would take her to my house and my mum laughed at me menacingly and said "you have no idea what you've done. Your dad says that if the house isn't clean before he gets home then he'll divorce me, so now you're causing dad to leave me" It's weird because my parents are still married in real life

10 Aug 2024



i dreamed that i was in a hollyday with my mum my aunt my uncle amd my cousin. At noon i don‘t know why i was sonzired and i wanted to go out, my cousin decidwd to come with me and we legt. outside we were in some sort of jungle and we could go peft or right, i said left but my cousine said that we already went last night to that way so tonight we go to the right. we started our jpurney to the right and in the back of us was the summerween monster from gravity falls, and we scream that we love sweets. aftwr that we araived at a a beach near a mountain. there we heared about a masacre that happend some days ago. we sitted down on a banch with some people and in the time we talked about the masacre two children were on the montain preparing to dive into the water but the boy kiched the girl and broke her nose and yelled „oh girl bloud“. we were so scared and i taled my cousin to ho home because is already day outside, but she refused. i wanted to go alone and to zalked with of the people here to ho with me a little bit to no be alone, but when i looked at the person that looked free to go with me i saw a strange smile like he would hid something. so i didn‘t said anything and stayed there. After that a boy from the group find out about some photos of a murderer and that man looked ecxactley like the one with the strange smiley. in that moment we strated freaking out. we called him to come to us to tie jis hair to see if he realy is the one in the photos and he was after he realise why we do this he said to us to sit down and he started torture 3 of the 5 of us 2 boys and one girls, me and my cousin wwre fine. he cuted a little bit of one finger of each one. it was already night again, i don‘t know how but we some how escape from tehre and started runing and we went to some sort of room were you cold take a sheet and write your toughts, it was verry familiar that place like i‘ve seen it before. me and my cousin open taht door but instead of taking a sheet we went on another door to the bathroom. we sat there and looked at him going in circles waiting gor us to come out. And than in the most terifieng moment that i tought that is no escape the room started moving and the view on the window was with the interior of a subway, we traveled 3 stations with that train and after that i decided to open the phone to see were we are on the map, but when i tried to open the phone i waked up.

6 Aug 2024



In my dream I dreamt that me and my husband went away on holiday, but when we arrived we where sharing a room/apartment with 3 other women - his ex wife (who in our waking life is very difficult to get along with, they have a child together but very different styles of parenting) a woman I know who used to do my physio and another woman who I can’t remember. They are all very flirty with my husband and he was the same towards them. In the dream I’m asking my husband to look at booking another hotel, but he doesn’t want too, he says there’s point and he seems happy to socialize with them too - laughing joking etc which is making me feel very uncomfortable…. I then say to him that I’m not doing this and want to go home. In the dream all the women are saying to each other that I’m jealous and don’t trust my husband, they are not saying it directly to me. But they are right, I don’t trust him! - I am saying to my husband in the dream that they are all very unattractive and look trashy. In my waking life, that’s the opinion we have of both of the women known to me in the in the dream…. I then find myself walking along a road that’s close to my mums house, I’ve walked through the town centre close to my mums house too and there’s new houses being built, it’s Christmas time. As I’m crossing over this road, a petrol lorry is losing control, swerving all over the road, I think I’m with my son, but I don’t remember seeing him, I just felt like he was with me. As I’m watching the lorry cash into a roundabout, I run across the road towards my mums house, then I see fire, like someone has been set alight and know there might be an explosion, so need to get away, but no one is running. In my waking life, my mum is not talking to me, but I’m not 100% sure to why? It’s been a week since we last spoke?…..

20 Jul 2024

Light (Not Dark)


My girlfriend, her daughter, and I were living in a submarine, and I think it was the holidays, because we hade an absurdly long dinner table with me sitting in the middle with the other two. Eventually the guests would ring a bell as if we weren’t submerged (it felt like we were but it was never addressed) we then, would open “the front door” aka the hatch, welcome them inside, make them comfy, then sit them at the table, the table was almost full when my hearing goes silent, I can see people are still engaging in dialogue but I can’t hear it, and then the lights start flashing red (only I noticed) and out of thin air my ex-fiancé appears in the seat across from me and just glares menacingly at me while deep breathing. No one stopped there conversations or even acknowledged anything odd happening, I was stuck in this silent stare down until I woke up.

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